
Getting over the Holidays

does any one feels the same after the holidays? ha ha

Hello Girls!!

I just took all my Christmas decorations and I realize the holidays are over. Welcoming 2012 with lots to do to get back in track, this week I’ve come to realize that every year is the beginning of something exciting and new and I got a new inspiration for this time of the year. Is the beginning of the year so let’s renew our closets ladies and define our priorities.

Do you have any goals for this 2012?
I do, not just new year resolutions but I have few goals I want to achieve this year so here I can give you few tips on how to stick to your goals and achieve them.

First of all organization and discipline is very very important. I’m not the must organize person I must admit but that helps a lot and the first thing you want to do is define priorities. Once you’ve done that and have very clear what your priorities are focus on what you want to achieve and how do you want to work towards your goals.

Be patient not everything is build overnight.

I hope my tips are useful for you. 


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